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Flying with Toddlers

flying with toddlers
Posted by on November 29, 2016

flying with toddlers

The Best of: Flying With Toddlers

Flying with toddlers can be fun, but age 1-3 is probably the most challenging age to deal with then traveling. Since toddlers are less able to express themselves than older children, they can get easily frustrated and act out. Toddlers have an unbelievable amount of energy and hate sitting still, so keeping them occupied and happy in flight takes some effort. But don’t fear! You can do it! My children are really active. When  my husband and I describe the activity level of our kids, people respond with, “Yeah, yeah, kids are busy!” Then they meet our kids, and as the kids run around like Tasmanian Devils, our friends say, “Oh! Now we see what you mean!” And yet, I’ve taken over 75 flights with them during the toddler stage, and we survived! Most of the flights I was solo with them and  I enjoyed it (most of the time)! So in this post I’ve collected all I’ve written to date about flying with toddlers in hopes that my tips will help you when flying with toddlers. I’ll update and add to this post as I write more about flying with toddlers. Pin or bookmark this post now for reference!

Preparing Your Child for First Flight

flying with toddlers

Quick Tips for the First Time Flier

Getting Through Security

Pro Tips for Long-Haul Flights with Toddlers

Packing-Carry On

Packing for Onboard the Plane: Toddlers

Things to Pack for a Stuffy Nose/Cold

flying with toddlers

Click the image for 20 Travel Gift Ideas for Toddlers!

Busy Bag Ideas

5 Items to Entertain Your Toddler

Toy Using Galley Supplies

20 Travel Gift Ideas for Toddlers

Car Seat

flying with toddlers

How to Get Your Child to Buckle Up

Car Seat Safety

Car Seat Transport Tool

Passing Time

Waiting to Board Your Flight: What to Do

7 Tips for Flight Delays With Kids

Ways to Keep Your Child Safe

Backpack Harness: Useful or Mean?

How to Keep Your Child Who Runs Away Safe

Prevent Losing Your Kids in Crowds


Aerobed for Kids Review

Tips from Sleep Expert

Products that Help

Routines vs. Schedules


Breastfeeding on a Plane

Milk Options

Food on the Plane: What Can I Bring?

Fun Travel Food Ideas

French Toast Muffins


Addressing Toddler Tantrums on the Plane

Tips for Flying with a Sensory Sensitive Child

Reduce Anxiety for Your Sensitive Child

flying with toddlers
