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Lunar Eclipse (Space Travel?)

Posted by on October 19, 2013

Tonight was a beautiful combination of the “Hunter’s Moon” and a Partial Lunar Eclipse. We went out in the front yard and set up a telescope for viewing. What a beautiful moon! When I looked through the telescope a far away bird flew across the moon. It looked like it was in the moon’s orbit and also looked like a bat since October has me thinking of Halloween themes.

Telescope Kid

This was one of those times when you realize how easy it can be to inspire a love of learning in our children. Ella had such a fun time being outdoors in the dark, looking through the telescope, and talking about the moon and the eclipse. She wanted me to look up when the next meteor shower would be because she is longing to see a shooting star (meteor). She loves the song by They Might Be Giants, What is a Shooting Star?: “A shooting star or meteor, whichever name you like. The minute it comes down to earth it’s called a meteorite.”

Lunar Eclipse

When I was getting Ella ready for bed she said, “I wish I was an alien on the moon and you were with me and we looked through a telescope at Earth.” Remember, you don’t always have to fly somewhere to travel. Your imagination can take you anywhere!

*Stay tuned…I’ll be doing a review and giveaway of an easy-to-travel-with healthy, organic baby food very soon!  Follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter or Google+  so you don’t miss out on this and other travel tips and giveaways coming up!
