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Travel Envy

Posted by on December 28, 2012

I’ve mentioned before that any time we’re home more than 3 weeks, Ella gets cabin fever and asks to fly somewhere. Since I’m expecting baby #2 any day now, we haven’t flown anywhere since October. We’ve tried to do other fun, local travel trips, like a train ride to a bakery. Small excursions like that help Ella keep that love of travel.

Last week Ella cried, “We’ll never go on an airplane ever again!” Being used to flying somewhere regularly, she feels like she hasn’t traveled in years! We’ll have to take a trip as soon as I can recover from the utter exhaustion of having a newborn.

If you’re not a family that gets to travel often, don’t be envious of those who get the opportunity. I only took one flight (moving to another state) before I turned 15. Now I travel regularly and I’m used to that, but I didn’t grow up traveling. So don’t feel like your kids are at a disadvantage if they can’t travel a lot early on. You can still help develop a love of travel in them by encouraging them to explore new places and learn about people in different areas.


(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts.)
