A fun thing to do on your next flight:
Take the camera with you to the lavatory and snap a photo of you and your child. If you’re like me, you’re rarely in photos as the one behind the camera. Get in a picture for once! Travel blogger Heather Poole started the trend and there is a flicker page to upload your Laviator photos; http://www.flickr.com/groups/laviators/.
If you attempt this, don’t forget to close the toilet lid before taking out the camera/phone. The last thing you need is for it to fall in the toilet. If you DO happen to drop it in the toilet, PLEASE do not do what a recent passenger did: After dropping his phone in the toilet, he reached in and retrieved it! Ewww!!! Pulling his hand back out, he cut his hand on the flapper. SO gross. That water is not fresh water with each flush! It is one tank of water with a lot of blue chemicals to cover the contents that get “deposited” during the flight. Believe me, you do NOT want to touch that stuff! So, like I said, remember to close the lid. And if you have the misfortune of dropping something in the toilet, notify the flight attendants right away. They will lock off the lavatory and you MIGHT be able to request an attempt to retrieve the phone/camera once on the ground. But really, would you want it back once it’s been in that filth?
Anyway, back to the photos. If you get a Laviator picture, we’d love to see it too! Post it to our facebook wall or email it to us at cloudsurfers@hotmail.com and we’ll post it for you.
(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at DeliciousBaby.com. Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts.)