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Posted by on October 16, 2012

I guess it’s about time I reveal this news to those of you who don’t know me personally. We are going to be able to share even more travel tips with you soon because….

Yep, she’s right…we’re expecting a little baby brother for Ella in January. I’ll be able to share with you more travel ideas and products for newborns and infants very soon! I’m excited because every year there are so many great new products that are invented. I’ve had my eye on quite a few the last couple of years, just wishing for a baby to be able to test them. Well, that’s not the only reason I wanted a baby. LOL

Of course the fatigue from carrying a baby has already set in, so I’m using that as my excuse for not posting here as often as I should. But if you’ll bear with me I’ll post as often as I can, and I expect to begin traveling quite soon after the baby comes, so I’ll share all the gear I use and all the tips I can come up with then.

If you already have a newborn, be sure to see my posts about traveling with infants: Packing for Onboard and Infants on the Plane.

Do you have any favorite infant travel products that I might not have had 4 years ago for Ella? Please share!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to email notifications of new blog posts (top right of this page). We run giveaways every once in a while, and will definitely be reviewing more travel products soon! 
