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Back To School…But Summer Fun Hasn’t Ended

Posted by on September 15, 2012

School has started, but we are still traveling. I hope that Ella’s teachers aren’t too upset that she will only be attending half of the days for the first month of school. One nice thing about her just being in Pre-K is that she is only attending 3 days a week. Yesterday, a day off, we took a drive out East and played at the beach. What a great day it was!

We also visited the oldest lighthouse in New York: the Montauk Point Lighthouse. It was commissioned by George Washington back in 1792! It was completed in 1796 and still serves as an active aid to navigation. Wow! That’s impressive!

Are you doing any traveling this fall or putting it on hold until school holidays?


(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow ‘Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts. We’re gearing up for another fun giveaway soon!)
