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Caption This! (Plus Travel Tip for Infants)

Posted by on April 12, 2013


I’m still in the process of surviving an infant with colic who doesn’t sleep during the day (fortunately he does sleep at night, although he wakes up several times). My post about traveling with colicky infants will have to wait because I have to choose between writing and sleeping and I hardly get any sleep as it is. But here’s a photo from John’s first flight. We found that the little car seat hang toys stick easily by their Velcro onto the seat backs, making a perfect way to entertain the baby. (He loves that little butterfly!)

I love his hand on his chin as if he is stroking his beard in deep thought. I’m not clever at writing captions. Can you think of one for this? Comment below!

(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts.)
