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Licking Lollipops

Posted by on May 11, 2013

This week I go back in time to when Ella was just 2.5. We kept her from eating candy at all until she was two. This paid off on flights because I was able to use lollipops to motivate her to get in her seat and buckle up or to turn off electronics when it was time for landing (since they were still an exciting treat). Some people look down on this, calling it a bribe, but I think that treats, used with discretion, are great motivators. And look at the complete enjoyment she got upon receiving this rare treat!

(Travel tip: When giving a toddler a lollipop, I advise first putting a bib on them, pulling hair back from their face, and having several baby wipes nearby.)Smile

motivating toddlers

(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts. Lots of fun giveaways are in the near future!)
