Yesterday we made the move from San Diego to New York. Ella’s dad has earned upgrades with his frequent travel and upgraded us all to Business Class. We had the seats that go fully flat, and boy, was that nice! Ella very rarely sleeps on the plane, but she did this time. In fact there was a point when all three of us were asleep! We don’t usually get to travel in such luxury, but after the tiring move, that was a great treat!
Ella still says the iPod Touch was the most fun thing on the plane. I thought she would have chosen the lay-flat-seats as her favorite. I should have known better.
It was nice to get a meal. Cheerios is nothing fancy, but it was perfect for Ella.
Surprisingly the time seemed to go by fast. Ella, at nearly 4 years old, spent the 6 hours reading books and playing with toy reindeer, stuffed animals, iPod touch, a magnifying glass, and Color Wonder markers. The rest of the activities I brought weren’t necessary this time. (As I type this that list seems like a lot, but you never know with small children. I had twice that much for her to play with. If she hadn’t napped she would probably have gone through it all.)
We got to New York safely. It was raining, so Ella’s car seat got wet when they brought it up from under the aircraft. Luckily we had a Sham Wow in our bag that was perfect to line the seat and keep Ella from getting wet.
When you’re moving, it’s impossible to pack light. Here’s Ella on all our bags:
Well, we are now call New York airports home! We’re excited for our new adventures from here. I’m especially looking forward to more possibilities for traveling to Europe now that it won’t take a day and a half to get there. We’ll share more Cloud Surfing Adventures as they happen! Tell us about your last flight!