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Photo Friday-Starting Photo Traditions

Posted by on April 27, 2012

One of the things Ella likes to do is kiss the plane before boarding (She started it on her own when she was just two.) I’ve taken many pictures of her doing that and it’s fun to look at them and see her maturing as time passes. (For her video “Kiss The Plane”, click HERE.)

Another great series of pictures would be the kids in the cockpit. It’s always fun for the kids to stop by the cockpit if there’s time. (Ideally before the flight. No one is allowed in the cockpit during the flight and often after a flight the crew has to rush to work another flight.) I only have a couple of pictures with Ella in the Captain’s seat, but I think I’ll start a series of them now. I’d love to see a photo of a baby in the Captain’s seat. I didn’t think of getting Ella photographed in the cockpit until she was a toddler. Have any of you taken pictures of your babies in the cockpit? Post your photos of kids in the cockpit on our Facebook page.

Pilot Ella

Happy Flying!

*This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at
