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Security…In a Light

Posted by on November 30, 2012

Travel Night Light

It used to be that Ella couldn’t sleep unless the room was pitch black. A little shimmer of light and she was awake for hours. I am happy to trade that for her wanting it a little brighter in the room even if it does mean a few arguments about turning on the lamp. On this night away from home, Ella actually fell asleep holding her night light. She’s not faking it here, she is in a deep sleep.

I mentioned in this previous post that this night light is good for travel. If you’re looking for a bright night light, I highly recommend this one. (If your child is under the age of 2, he/she will probably actually sleep better with a dimmer night light.)

(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating. Don’t forget to follow Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts.)
