*Update 6/6/2013 This Giveaway is now closed. The winner is Cloud Surfing Fan Rebecca. Her summer travel this year includes camping in Connecticut! Thanks to all who participated. Stay tuned for more fun giveaways soon!
I can’t believe last week was the end of school for so many! It sneaked up on me as Ella still has two weeks left. Have any of you started summer travel yet?
One of my favorite things to pack when traveling with the kids is a dry erase board. Toddlers can write on one using dry-erase crayons while dry-erase markers work fine for older children. The only downside is that a drawing can’t be saved. Sometimes Ella is so proud of her work she doesn’t want to erase it. When this happens I just get my camera out and take a picture; then we have a permanent record of the drawing. I like to make photo books of my collection of photos of Ella’s artwork (I do this for her art from school too).
I’ve learned to hold off commenting on what it is I think she has drawn and to instead say, “Tell me about this drawing”. Often it is something unexpected and she might even throw in an entertaining story to go with it.
I never would have guessed it, but this is “Doodler” from the app “Doodle Jump”. Ella might have been offended if I immediately commented on the cute 6-legged spider she drew. Good thing I asked first!
I’m giving away 2 dry-erase boards with dry-erase markers and erasers. BUT WAIT!!! That’s not all!
The rest of the prize will be a surprise. I’ll create a small pack of things for your kids for their carry-on pack to create a total prize value of $15 or more.
Easy Entry: Just comment on this blog post telling me where your family is traveling this summer (mandatory entry +1). To earn more entries LIKE us on Facebook (+1) and/or on Twitter (+1).
If I get a lot of participation on this one I’ll set up a much bigger giveaway next time.
a Rafflecopter giveaway