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Travel Tip: Safety Briefing Card

Posted by on August 31, 2012

I don’t know what the attraction is, but I’ve found that all young kids, from ages 3 months and up, are fascinated by the airplane safety briefing card. It a perfect 2-10 minute distraction (depending on the child’s age and attention span). Yesterday Ella pulled the safety card out to follow along with the safety video. She had fun finding each item being described. Here she is pointing out the scenarios where you should NOT evacuate: “if there’s fire, DON’T exit”, “if there are rocks, DON’T exit”. Not a bad way to learn some basic survival skills.DSCN9022

When you’re running out of things to do on the airplane, don’t overlook the “toys” that are already there. The safety card is a good one. Plastic cups can entertain babies for quite some time. We also love to look through the Sky Mall magazine. Yesterday Ella wanted to find all the pictures of dogs in the magazine. It didn’t occupy her for an hour, but it did give her something to do for 5 minutes and, well, that’s something. Smile

(This post is part of the Photo Friday fun at Check out the other fun travel blogs participating there. Don’t forget to follow ‘Cloud Surfing Kids on Facebook, Twitter, or by subscribing to email notifications of blog posts. We’re gearing up for another fun giveaway soon!)
