And the winner is……
First I want to tell you, if you didn’t win this fabulous 3-Day Cooler, you can still get a great deal on one! I am pleased to announce that Mile High Gear is offering Cloud Surfing Kids’ fans a 10% off discount on items $20 or more. The offer is good until Dec. 31, 2012. You can find all of the great products that Mile High Gear has to offer HERE. For the discount, use Special Offer code: CSKPromo at checkout.
Huge congratulations to the winner of our first giveaway! Karen Kochies is the winner randomly picked by the “Pick Giveaway Winner” Plug-In! The content of the entry comments played no part in the selection process, but I would like to share her comment: “I have two boys, a 5 year old and a 10 year old orphan we just adopted from Ukraine (he’ll be home July 6th!). We’ll be hitting the beach, heading to the park, and doing some camping this summer. This cooler would be a great addition to our family fun time!” You can learn more about Karen’s exciting new addition to the family here: I’m so excited for them and can’t wait to learn more about how this adoption came about!
I want to thank all of those who entered the contest. I really appreciate you helping make this giveaway a success. Since it was my first giveaway I was a bit nervous about how it would play out, but I am happy to announce that I thought it went well and you will see more giveaways in the very near future!
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Thanks again to all those who entered! Look for our next giveaway to be posted within a week!
-Beth Henry, Cloud Surfing Mom