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Radio City Christmas Spectacular Review (by Ella, age 5)

Christmas Spectacular Review
Posted by on December 12, 2013

Christmas Spectacular Review

Today we went to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. It was my second time; the first time I saw it I was 6 months pregnant with Ella. So in a way she has experienced it before too…but not really. Today was her first time to see the show. It was SPECTACULAR! There’s a reason they use that word in the title of the show! Here is her Christmas Spectacular Review:

Christmas Spectacular Review

My interview with Ella after the show:

Beth: Ella, what did you think of the Rockettes?

Ella: They were awesome!

B: Do you want to be a Rockette when you grow up?

E: No, I want to be just myself.

B: What did you think of Santa in the show?

E: Santa was Magic.

There was a part in the show where the Rockettes were riding a double-decker bus and wearing winter coats. As they came out of the bus they were wearing shiny dresses. Ella commented, “It’s magical! Or maybe it’s just the Christmas Spirit”.

When I asked Ella what her favorite parts of the show were she listed these four things:

  • When they destroyed the castle. (This was in a 3-D “live” video game where the player destroyed the Humbugs with Christmas cheer. It was magnificent.)
  • The snowflake bubbles (remote-controlled giant snowflakes flying throughout the theatre…so cool!).
  • Snow Confetti
  • The end, when they all clapped and cheered. (This is always a favorite for Ella who really loves to express her appreciation for an exciting show.)

She didn’t mention it in my “interview”, but the cotton candy was pretty special to her too.Christmas Spectacular Review

I am sure that most people already know and expect this is a great show, but I’m telling you, if you have an opportunity to see it, it will be one of the most incredible shows you’ll ever see. If you’ve seen it in previous years, you should know that each year they change the story and theme so although they have some of the same elements, it is full of surprises each year. Seeing it as an adult without kids 6 years ago was so much fun. Seeing it today with a 5 year old was absolutely priceless. The joy on her face lasted the entire show. Watching her experience the Christmas Spectacular was so rewarding. This was truly a special, joyful, spectacular day.

Christmas Spectacular Review

Snowflakes–So Magical!

Have you seen the show? Was it this magical for you?

*This is not a sponsored post. I am in no way affiliated with Radio City Music Hall and I am not being paid for this review. I am simply sharing our experiences. In any of my reviews or recommendations I will always give my honest opinion.

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Christmas Spectacular Review
