Bubbles Save the Day!
(This post was first written on Aug. 25, 2012 and updated 3/27/2017. This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your shopping convenience. If you make a purchase through these links I may receive a small commission, which goes toward the operation of this website. Thank you for your support!)
One of my favorite things to always have in my travel bag is a mini bottle of bubbles. They can even calm small babies (at least temporarily) and always bring joy to young children. Bubbles are one of the items that I always bring, rarely use, but am grateful that I have them in those “emergency” times. As a flight attendant, whenever I see a child in the airport who is fussing or crying, I walk over and blow some bubbles to give a few minutes of distraction so the parent can take a breath. I buy these bubble wands in bulk and carry a few with me on each trip. Then if I see a child struggling, I can give their parents the bubble wand so they can continue to use it.
If a child is old enough to blow bubbles on their own, this activity is very grounding and calming. When you start to notice tension building, bring out the bubbles before an outburst, and most of the time you will notice your child begins to calm down. I also like bubbles for a distraction if your child is having difficulty with ear pressure. While bubbles don’t help with the pressure or pain, they do help provide a distraction, and sometimes that’s all you need to get through it.
Since bubbles are liquid, you’ll need to pack these within your TSA-approved Quart-sized Ziploc bag to carry through security. Once through security checkpoints I often transfer the bubbles to a more accessible place, like my pocket or the outer pocket of my lunch tote. That way it’s available “in case of emergency”.
Do you have any items you pack like this for “emergencies”? Share with us and other readers in the comments below!
This post is part of the Photo Friday Fun at www.DeliciousBaby.com. Check out the other travel photos there as well!
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