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Anytime Fun with Marshmallows

fun with marshmallows
Posted by on April 12, 2016

If you’re looking for a fun activity whether on the plane or at home trying to avoid the summer heat, grab a bag of mini-marshmallows! You can have so much fun with marshmallows.  If you lick one end then it sticks! Ella had fun sticking them on her nose. Of course this can get a little gooey, but I think if you stick to the tiny marshmallows it can still be easily cleaned up with diaper wipes. Another thing you can do with the older kids is build with marshmallows using toothpicks. Keep in mind the temperament of your child. Ella would get quite upset if her marshmallow building fell over during turbulence, so I probably wouldn’t do marshmallow building on the plane with her. Other kids might not mind as much and it can be a great way for your child to pass time on the plane while using creative and mathematical skills. Win-win!


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Bring a few small containers of assorted snacks, such as mini-marshmallows, chocolate chips, mini pretzels,etc. Encourage your child to mix them, sort them, or create patterns. Who says you shouldn’t play with your food? If you’re grossed out by the idea of them putting their food on the tray table, bring along some disposable table liners, such as these:

I love these Baby Einstein Stick on Placemats because they can be an activity in themselves. You can color on them with dry erase markers (or crayons). they provide a good surface for Play-Doh, and you can read them and talk about the colors and shapes.

What do you think of these ideas for fun with marshmallows? Are there any that you think would be great (or terrible) for your child? Leave a comment below to let us know!


This post was part of Photo Friday at in 2012 and updated with content added in 2016. Check out the Delicious Baby link for some great photos and travel tips/stories from other great travel bloggers.

