Last summer when we were in Ft. Worth, Texas for my sister’s wedding, John (age 1.5 at the time) and I were awake before the others. I decided to take John outside for a morning walk so that the others could keep sleeping. We wandered around the Ft. Worth Stockyards and I spotted an ice machine. I immediately thought: “photo op!” because of a photo that a very creative friend of mine, Matt Riley (Matt Alan Photography), had taken about a year before:
[Click here for funny baby picture] (Coming soon…technical difficulties. Keep scrolling for my photo and you’ll get the joke.)
Isn’t it so funny!? If you don’t get it, ask someone who was a teen in the 1990’s. (haha)
I want to mention Matt because he is such an amazing creative genius you should definitely check out his work. Not only is he a very talented photographer (see some of his work here), he is also co-creator of a very cool vintage shop: Switchback Vintage. Check out the site for some amazing finds, perfect for a Father’s Day gift! I LOVE this Vintage Tobacco Roller! I’m not a smoker, but it looks so cool!
Here is my version based on Matt’s original idea:
“Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it…”
My little baby was one-and-a-half here. Now he’s 2.5 and so much bigger! The photo wouldn’t work with him this year. I’m glad I had the fun opportunity to catch this picture on that day. It was really difficult getting him to stay in front of the ice machine. There aren’t many toddlers who will sit still in an alleyway full of interesting things. What a fun memory!
*This post is linked to #fridaypostcards at Walking On Travels. Take a look at the other fun travel photo posts there!
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